With the joint collaboration of the Teach for Nepal Alumni Association (TFNAA) and Jobs Sniper, a recruitment solutions and management consulting services provider, a skill-up session was organized for the Teach For Nepal Alumni on 19th September 2022. The 2.5-hour on-site session on “LinkedIn for Professional Development” was facilitated by Mr. Ujjwal Koirala, TFN Alumni Cohort 2015, Co-founder of Jobs Sniper, and Mr. Ujwal Poudel, Co-founder of Jobs Sniper.
The session was made open to all TFN Alumni with a minimal fee of NPR 200 per head. TFNAA members were offered this session free of charge. The session was designed to be a knowledgeable, informative and practical session so that each working professional, in today’s day and age, would benefit immensely.
One of the main objectives of the session was to provide Alumni with hands-on lessons on designing one’s own LinkedIn Accounts. To enable Alumni to be able to utilize LinkedIn as a tool through which they could generate and maximize opportunities for themselves.
The main highlights of the session can be summarized as follows:
⮚ Participants were introduced to all the main aspects of the social website and the App.
⮚ The vast possibility of the app was displayed along with examples of how key personalities in Nepal and the world is benefitting from the efficient use of LinkedIn.
⮚ Differences between a premium LinkedIn account and a free version were also explained thoroughly to the participants.
⮚ The advantages of having a premium account were also briefed.
The session was very fruitful and significant in helping Alumni develop a personal brand and public image in the professional world through the means of a social media platform, LinkedIn, with an understanding that building professional connections and networks is important in order to maximize opportunities.